As we say farewell to 2014, we want to take a moment to reflect on this past year and thank each one of you for your support to Via Heart Project this past year.
It was an eventful year!
* We changed our name from The Via Foundation to Via Heart Project.
* In the fall, we won a $10,000 Innovation Grant from LinkedIn.
* We partnered with other organizations and helped them conduct preventative youth heart screenings. We learned a lot from volunteering and watching them in action!
* We placed numerous automated external defibrillators (AED) in schools across the nation and in businesses around the globe.
* With the help of our staff and volunteers, we taught dozens of CPR classes to folks at shopping centers, farmers’ markets, businesses, and schools.
At Via Heart Project, everything we do in our communities is because of support from generous people like you. We’re excited to show you all of the new projects we have in store in the coming year!
In 2015 we will conduct our first youth heart screening event at Sequoia High School on March 22nd. It is critical we start this program immediately because 1 in 100 youths who are tested at these free cardiac screening events are found to have an undiagnosed and potentially life-threatening heart condition! In the beginning, we will focus our efforts on schools in Northern California (where there are currently no heart screening programs for youths).
As March approaches and we gather supplies, we welcome your financial support to help purchase much-needed items that will allow us to offer these screenings to youths for free. Each youth screened costs us $20. Here are a few of the items we need to purchase or have donated:
* 4 portable echocardiogram ultrasound machines
* 20 portable EKG monitors
* Medical tables, paper gowns, and office supplies
On this final day of the year, many of you are evaluating where to donate your charitable dollars. As a 501(c)3 non-profit, all funds you donate to Via Heart Project are tax-deductible.
Thank you for being a part of our amazing year! We can’t wait to collaborate with you in 2015!
~Your Friends at Via Heart Project