Via Heart Project publishes a quarterly newsletter that aims to:

AED laws change, new legislation is frequently introduced, and medical advancements affect our mission. It’s our job to inform you about the latest news regarding SCA, CPR, and AEDs.


As a non-profit organization, Via succeeds thanks to generous donors, amazing volunteers, a dedicated board, and industious staff. We want you to meet these individuals!

Via likes to share. When someone’s life is saved because of an on-site AED, we want you to know! When we place AEDs in schools, businesses, and gathering places – excitement about future “saves” is infectious. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to purchase (or raise funds for) an AED in your school or community?

Subscribe for first access to AED news and inspiring stories in your community!

Other than the newsletter, we will not spam you or sell your address.

Past Issues

February 2015

Happy Heart Month! Screen a Teen and Save a Life!

January 2015

Top 7 Ways to Be Heart Safe! Who wants a free AED? Welcome Cindy, A Year in Review

October 2014

Bye-Bye to The Via Foundation! Hello to Via Heart Project! Saving a Life, Meet Ruth, and Kelly’s Corner.

July 2014

AEDs: “What are they?” to “I want one!”, Welcome Ellisa, Bob’s Legal Corner, and Fun Facts.

April 2014

LinkedIn: Ahead of the Curve, Introducing Wes Levitt, Bob’s Legal Corner, and Fun Facts.

January 2014

Via’s 2nd Annual Cocktail Party, Welcome Pam Dodson, Ask Bob, and Fun Facts.

November 2013

Great Samaritan Saves a Life!, Reunion, Bob’s
Legal Corner, and Fun Facts.